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Brill UV Large 12 mm Fluo Chartreuse (spool 12)

(Preise ohne Mehrwertsteuer) 3,26
  19   Artikel

-  Thicker stitching, designed to withstand high levels of tension

-  A Brill version obtained with the inclusion of UV fibres.

-  The colour effects produced are extremely effective !

-  This new and extremely bright material differs from the classical Cactus Chenille in that it has special fibres arranged for effect at much greater intervals, but anchored in a much more stable manner thanks to the particularly stitching.

-  These features are considerably useful for tying medium to large sized bodies without excessively thickening the artificial pattern.

-  Lenght 3 Meter 

 - 12 mm

Brill UV Large 12 mm Fluo Chartreuse (spool 12) hat noch keine Rezensionen. Teilen Sie anderen Ihre Erfahrungen mit, indem Sie auf Bewertung abgeben klicken.
Brill UV Large 12 mm Fluo Chartreuse (spool 12)

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